Letter From Our President
A Letter from the President
I hope this letter finds you and your family well and that you had a good winter. We made it to the month of April and baseball and softball are finally here. We knew the loss of Maplewood for the 2024 season would pose challenges. The CGYBS executive and general boards have worked tirelessly during the winter to ensure a successful season. I simply cannot thank them enough.
This season will look and feel different. I ask each of you to realize how the loss of six fields will impact the season and to be supportive and patient. Our parade and opening day ceremony will be different. We will meet at Saints Peter & Paul Church, progress up First Street, and have our ceremony most likely on the soccer field. I cannot thank the Cary Park District, the Village of Cary, and Saints Peter & Paul enough for their support.
Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to coach or assist with the teams. This experience is very rewarding personally but can also play a crucial role in the lives of our young players. The impact you have will extend far beyond a single game or even a single season. For those of us who have coached for years, we all have stories of former players thanking us years later. Take this role seriously and remember what is truly important.
CGYBS continues to explore improvements to our existing fields and opportunities for greater growth to ensure CGYBS remains viable for the players for years to come. As I have said many times before, the men and women who serve CGYBS on the executive and general boards are amazing, talented people. If you have ever considered joining us, now is the time. Reach out to any board member and learn more to see if this would be a good fit for you. All the incredible memories made with my three boys have been the direct result of those who volunteered before me and with me. I would not trade those memories for all the money in the world.
Lastly, we are working on holding some coaching clinics for all divisions. Part of our goal is to better prepare new coaches while passing down knowledge and experience to the next generation. More to come on this topic soon.
See you at the fields!
Bob Johnson