
CGYBS 2025 Part-Time Travel Baseball (N60)
Mission: To provide players from our in-house program the opportunity to play in a part-time travel program during the regular in-house season; this program is perfect for those players interested in playing more competitive baseball in addition to their in-house league.
Age of Teams: 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, & 14U Age as of May 1rst ( teams are dependent on player & coach interest )
N60 Background
The in-house travel baseball program (N60) was designed to provide in-house players the opportunity to experience travel baseball on a part-time basis. This program is perfect for those players interested in playing more competitive baseball in addition to CGYBS in-house baseball.
N60 provides an opportunity for the player to play games and tournaments against other communities with competitive programs in Lake, Cook, Du Page, Kane, and McHenry Counties.
Player Selection Process: All 8U-14U players who are registered for the CGYBS in-house baseball program have the opportunity to try out for their respective N60 team.
Number of Players per Team: At the discretion of each individual N60 coach
Length of Season: April through July; The part-time travel season coexists with the regular in-house season.
Game Schedule: Other than tournaments, most games will be played on Fridays and Sundays.
Tournaments: Each N60 team will participate in two to three tournaments during the season (dependent on player & coach interest).
Uniforms: Mustang hat and Mustang jersey
Winter Practices: Indoor Practices are once a week for 90 minutes and are held from January to April included in Fees.
Cost per Player: The 2025 base fee is approximately $300.00. * (cost is in addition to CGYBS in-house league fees) Fees per player are determined by the number of players per team.
* Each N60 team (based on 12 players) will be required to pay an additional fee for weekly indoor training beginning in January.
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Interested In Playing Part-Time Travel Baseball (N60)?
If you are interested in having your child participate in N60, go to the CGYBS website to register. (Registration for 2024 opens July 1.)
If you have questions, please contact: CGYBS N60 Director – John Augle (